This is my fabulous (not to mention beautiful) family whom I love dearly!

Obviously I'm a daddy's girl.

I also have the greatest siblings I could ever ask for.

These are the handsome Humphrey boys.. no. men.

My older sister, bestest friend, and the ultimate example.

My amazing dad and his "souvenirs."

The Beauforts. Brad, Kristin, and Miya.

Best brother in law ever! Set the bar high for us kids still in need of spouses..

Kristin is one hot mamma! literally.

If you are wondering if that is my bra strap, the answer unfortunately is.. yes.
If you didn't notice then pretend you never read the above line.

Nathan. One of my favorite people in the world.
Always brings a smile to my face. always.

Tyson is already a heartbreaker and he's only 13.
Not only is he a stud, he is good at everything.

The newest addition to our family, little Miya.

I absolutely adore being an Auntie to this sweet girl.
But not many people love her more than her Pappa does.

The real us.

I am so grateful to have been born into such a loving family. I wouldn't be me without each and every one of their positive influence on my life.
I love you guys!
Thank you to Suzee Anderson, our awesome friend and neighbor, who took these gorgeous photos.