Kevin and I had been talking marriage for a while but due to school and family schedules we knew that we'd be getting married in the Summer of 2012. Not very close.. so although I was pretty anxious for some bling, Kevin was determined it would be better to wait until February or March to get engaged. (that's what he told me anyway...)
---Monday, October 24---
I had finished a long day of work and teaching dance. I was tired and looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening with my man, cuddled up and warm. He had other ideas.. he came to pick me up from dance and said "We're going on a date up the canyon tonight!" Mind you, it was already after nine o'clock at this point. I was hesitant but he was excited about it and pretty adamant. Kevin and I drove up to a beautiful spot in Provo Canyon, overlooking the valley. We wrote down goals, hopes, and dreams that we have for different points in our lives. 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years. We put our papers in a time capsule and buried it in the mountainside (with the plan to come back in 6 months and see how we were progressing on our goals.) We enjoyed hot chocolate, curled up in a blanket, and talked about everything under the sun. It turned out that the night was everything I wanted. Nice, relaxing, cuddly, warm, and most importantly spent with Kevin.
---Wednesday, November 23---
Kevin's mom, Sherri, texted us both telling us she had a school assignment that required her to see the exhibit at the Springville Art Museum. Her husband had planned to go with her but was stuck in Salt Lake so she wanted to know if we'd keep her company. We had "nothing planned" so decided to go. After looking around for a little while, Sherri left to go to the bathroom. Kev and I continued to wander around the musuem. Kevin was a little jumpy. He wanted to sit and wait for his mom, then decided he wanted to go look at stuff in a certain room, then got "tired" and wanted to sit again, then suddenly hopped up and wanted to go look in another room. We were walking throughout the room just enjoying the pieces when I stopped at a beautiful painting of two girls praying together. I loved it and was looking at it for a long time, reading the plaque about it and noticing every little detail, I was totally oblivious to the fact that Kevin was just waiting me to move onto the very next thing so that he could pop the question. Finally, he took matters into his hands as I heard him ask, "What do you think of this one?" I looked over and much to my surprise, found the paper I had buried in the mountain a month before, framed and hanging up in an art exhibit. In a state of confusion, I turned to Kevin who was getting on his knee. My confusion instantly turned to shock. 'Is this really happening?! I thought he was waiting until February!! Oh my gosh this is real!!' I had countless thoughts continuously running through my head. Kevin was saying darling and romantic things about making my goals and dreams come true but honestly I didn't process any of them. My brain was only waiting for four words. And then they came. "Will you marry me?"
And of course I said, "Yes!"
-Tuesday, October 25-
Kevin's brother Robby took a trip up the canyon and dug up our time capsule.
-Some day between October 25 & November 22-
I surprised Kev with a note on his windshield while he was at work. Right before work he had picked up the framed paper. It was sitting in the passenger seat. I didn't notice.
-Wednesday, November 23-
Sherri did not have a school assignment at the museum and did not have to go to the bathroom.
Kevin was "jumpy" because there was a group of people around our frame reading it intensely and he was just waiting for the room to clear out.
I love our proposal story. I love that it is unique, personal, and surpising. I love that Kevin thought it out carefully and that the whole proposal took a month to execute. I love that I have the most romantic fiance and that I get to marry him this summer!