Friday, May 4, 2012

It's been a while..

I haven't blogged in a while.. so here are some updates:

I get married next month.

I don't feel completely prepared. But I do feel completely ready. Does that make sense? What I mean is, there are still lots of things on my to do list but I have never felt more sure of a decision as I am about this one. I am SO ready to be sealed to my best friend. He is everything to me. Everything.

ps. all you unengaged or unmarried people: When you do get engaged... make it short. Seven months is a LOT longer than you think.

School is out!

I love not being in school... Graduating will be one of the highlights of my whole life. This last semester was a tough one. Chemistry? Not my best subject, which is really too bad considering that I have to take six Chem classes for my major. So I'm just going to have to suck it up. Also, I will admit I was not as focused on my studies as I should have been. Any one has been around me within the last 11 months can testify that I have typically one thing on my mind. Kevin. But anyway.. This is going to be the best break from school I have ever had because I get married and go on my honeymoon. Pure bliss. Then the day after we get back, school starts. Booo...

We have a home.

Kevin's brother and sister-in-law just bought their first house. It is darling!! They have decided to rent out their basement to a cute new married couple. You guessed it--Kevin and me! We are pretty anxious to move in. We've gotten a few peices of big furniture in there and will be moving more soon. I am thrilled. I am sort of lame.. I am almost 21 and have never moved out. So.. June 10th will be my first day out of my daddy's house. I am finally growing up. This makes me even more stoked to move into our darling new house, decorate it, and make it our home.

1 comment:

  1. Ali! I'm so glad you've posted :)

    I totally know where you're coming from with your long engagement. My mom kept saying we should just elope and his mom kept saying we should extend longer and longer. We took a "happy" medium and waiting 6 months. Waiting Sucks. When you know, you know, so what are you waiting for, right?

    Also, I think it's so nice that you are getting a basement appartment. And no, you're no fool for not having ever moved out. Ummmmmmm confession? I got married and HE moved in with me and my parents.... I didn't move out til AFTER I was married! So I think you're pretty awesome for finding a nice place to be, and you can still be near family :D

    Again, so happy you blogged. I confess, I'm a stalker.
